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Hubley Derby
Building a Track for the 2024 MAFCA National Convention in Ruidoso
Our chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America has volunteered to construct a Hubley Derby Track for the 2024 Convention. A Hubley is a die cast and plastic 1:20 scale Model A Ford. They were made from the 1960s until 2001 by Hubley, Gabriel and Scale Models. Racing the Hubley Derby cars is a popular event at all the recent MAFCA conventions.
You can read more about the Hubley cars and racing on the MAFCA website by clicking here.

We began the track project in May by acquiring the lumber needed. Our first workday was in June where we cut down the plywood into 4 8-foot sections which will make up the track.
This track will be modeled after one made by the Rogue Valley A's in Medford Oregon some years ago. Rick Black and Jerry Mathern constructed that track and it's been used successfully many times.
We meet on Saturday mornings starting at 9am at Rick's shop. If you'd like to participate, just let Rick know you're coming. We usually only work about 2 hours as it's getting pretty warm by 11 !

July and August ... The photo at the left is the Rogue Valley A's track which we're duplicating.
The center photo shows Bruce and Donald starting the work on the first of the 4 sections.
The photo at the right shows Tim and Marvin connecting two finished sections with carriage bolts.

September 2 - Making good progress. At left we are assembling the track outdoors for the first time.
Photo at center shows the track in upright position.
Photo at right shows Bruce and Aurelio installing the starting gate mechanism.
We then tested several of Rick Black's Hubley cars to make sure we had the right levels between the sections. FUN!
Last Updated 9/2/23
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